Social Media Marketing and Management
Social media marketing and management can be time consuming and often confusing for business owners. My Social State, LLC can set-up and launch most primary social media platforms to increase business exposure and generate quality leads by the following:
Content Distribution

Original Content Creation
Does your page currently have stolen memes from Google? Are you using copyrighted photos without purchasing them? Is every post on your page, “Buy this! Buy Now”? Then let us do your social media marketing. Our Social Media Managers in Augusta, GA create and distribute original content for all of our social media marketing clients on a regular and consistent basis. What does this mean to you? Although we feel relevant and entertaining links deserve placement on your platforms, original is always the way to go. This means customizing and personalizing your posts with original content such as photos, logos, “feel-good” quotes, events and contests, creative, entertaining, and relevant hashtags, and redirecting consumers to your website.
Customized Ad Campaigns
My Social State, LLC loves to grow our social media marketing clients’ pages primarily through organic methods. We understand, however, sometimes clients want to deliver information or offers to a broader audience at a faster pace than organic reach may produce. When you want to yield faster results for your sales, promotions, marketing campaigns, and contests, you will want to create social media ad campaigns. Our Social Media Managers in Augusta, GA do this by choosing the right type of ad based on your platform and campaign needs by defining your target audience and working with your schedule and budget. Once the social media marketing ad campaign is complete, we help you to understand your analytics, results, and ultimately your return on investment.
When My Social State, LLC handles your social media marketing, we make you look good! Remember, we are acting as our clients on social media so responding to comments, questions, and direct messages (within reason) is the other piece of the puzzle that we offer. We make sure to follow relevant people and business and retweet and share relevant information from related businesses and people.
As part of our social media management, we monitor mentions on online networks and Google alerts and respond accordingly. In addition, we reply to customer service requests with approved responses and work closely with the client to handle online customer support issues.
Analytics & Reporting/Strategic Planning
Outside of our initial strategic consulting, we provide our social media marketing clients with analytics and reporting on a quarterly basis. At these meetings, we discuss growth, future planning and any pertinent changes or updates as a part of our social media management. Our analytical reports are personalized to show growth, which include likes, reach (organic versus paid), and targeted demographic results.
Would you like to learn what we do? Do you actually have the time to handle your social media marketing and management while running your business? Ask about our on-site social media marketing and management
training today!