Business Listings

Have you ever looked for a local business on Google or Yahoo and their telephone number is nonexistent?

Did you click for directions on their page and their address sends you to the wrong location?

Are the pictures current and the street view correct?

This could all be happening to your business! Have you noticed a lack of calls coming from your Google listing?

It could be because somewhere on the Internet there is a piece of incorrect information. It could be your previous business address, or your old phone line.

Unfortunately, incorrect information can be synced repeatedly across several different search engines! Even if you try to fix it, that incorrect information can seep back through, making it difficult to keep up with.

Our team of Business Listing Managers in Augusta, GA can help to solve this problem and kick the bad information out! We work hard and diligently to make sure your correct information is repeated across a number of platforms including Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yelp, Yellow Pages, White Pages, Mapquest and many more!

Let us help get your business listings claimed and/or corrected!