The Holiday season is here and there is so much to prepare for when hosting or planning an event. What better way to bring an event some attention by promoting it through social media. Here are some tips on how to promote your special event and boost your following.

Start early: Starting early to promote an event will have a greater social media reach. Letting your followers know months in advance will give you time to engage on your pages about the event and give them time to think about it.

Social Media Heavy: Create a Facebook event page or LinkedIn group. Create posts such as photos, sponsors, guests, schedule, and possibly giveaways to encourage anyone who is a part or volunteering at the event to promote as well to increase traffic.

Create a hashtag and use it!: Creating a hashtag for your event can enhance activity on social media. Don’t forget to keep it unique and relevant, but simple. Check out our early October post about hashtags for more specific details. Learn More Here!

Do a countdown: There’s something oddly satisfying in watching a countdown to the very end. Adding a countdown reassures your followers that the event is either coming soon or it is near.

Follow the attendees: After the event is over, browse through social media and actively engage with people who attended and posted about your event. Don’t be shy to ask for feedback about your event. This will help you plan and promote for next year!